Come Across The Rarest Tiger Species at Our Preservation Station


Tigers are some of the most magnificent as well as one of the most endangered species on our planet. The wild striped animals have been hunted down by many people since years just for the sake of entertainment and financial gain. The list of endangered species always kept on increasing and tigers topped the list almost every time. Apart from tigers, leopards, lions, tigers, and cheetahs also require strong protection from hunting. At tigers preservation station established by me, Doc Antle you can see how the wild animals have been taken proper care by me and my subordinates. I and my acquaintances leave no stone unturned to protect their habitats so that they can live in peace forever. I feel wildlife preservation is a duty of every human being.

The Rare Species Fund (RSF) is an international organization that dedicatedly works for the wildlife conservation. I am the founder of the RSF and other organizations like Myrtle Beach Safari and T.I.G.E.R.S. preservation. The places set up by me are paradise for plenty of endangered wild species. They are located in between the dense greeneries of South Carolina’s Myrtle Beach resort town. My places are open to visitors throughout the season and give wonderful scope to the people to freely interact with the wild animals. On your visit, you can see Golden Tabby Tigers, Royal White Bengal Tigers, Bengal Tigers, and other rare animals. At our places, you can watch the wild animals are living in open natural environment that is similar to their natural habitats. Apart from seeing them, you can also feed the tiger cubs, play with baby elephants and click beautiful pictures with them. You can have one of a kind experience at our wildlife preservation centers.

Making Every Effort for Wildlife Preservation and Welfare


The primary aim behind the formation of Tigers Preservation Station and Myrtle Beach Safari Zoo is to enlighten visitors about wild animals in an amusing way. It is also a way to assist animal lovers to contribute for their welfare in every corner of the world. Whatever you will contribute on your visit will go directly towards benefiting wildlife surviving in our preserves and the RSF that works for global wildlife preservation. Tigers Preservation Station is a destination, which every wildlife lover must visit. You will get the chance to interact with diverse apes species and have a great time.

We always allow the visitors to click photos with wild animals. In fact, we also keep professional photographers at our place who capture the beautiful moments of visitors with the animals. Our places are drastically different from the other sanctuaries for which you must drop into our place at least once in your lifetime.

Are you really interested to make a difference in the living of wild animals? T.I.G.E.R.S Preservation and Myrtle Beach Safari Zoo are the places to visit. You can cooperate with us to protect our animals from any sort of human cruelty.

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